I want to change the text according to its current font color.

I can test argument against font family


{\bfseries #1}%
{\sffamily #1}%

\noindent       First:\MyChange{Normal should become SF}\\
{\color{red}    Second:\MyChange{Red should become SF}}\\
{\tt            Third:\MyChange{tt should be bold}}\\
{\tt\color{red} Fourth:\MyChange{Red tt should be bold}}

I wish I could have something like this

{\bfseries\large #1}%
{\sffamily\scriptsize #1}%

But I get error

! Undefined control sequence.
\MyChange #1->\ifnum \pdf@strcmp {\f@color 
                                           }{red}=\z@ {\bfseries \large #1}\...
l.19 ...  First:\MyChange{Normal should become SF}

2 Answers 2


Package xcolor can extract the color definition in a macro: \extractcolorspec{<color>}{<macro>}. This can be used to define a test to compare the current color . with red:


    {\bfseries\large #1}%
    {\sffamily\scriptsize #1}%

\noindent       First: \MyChange{Normal should become SF and small}\\
{\color{red}    Second: \MyChange{Red should become bold and large}}\\
{\tt            Third: \MyChange{tt should be SF and small}}\\
{\tt\color{red} Fourth: \MyChange{Red tt should be bold and large}}



You can use the fact that a color's definition is kept in the macro


and you can inspect the current color with . for <colorname>, as explained in https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/36163/4427


    {\bfseries\large #1}%
    {\sffamily\scriptsize #1}%

\noindent       First:\MyChange{Normal should become SF}\\
{\color{red}    Second:\MyChange{Red should become bold and large}}\\
{\tt            Third:\MyChange{tt should be SF}}\\
{\tt\color{red} Fourth:\MyChange{Red tt should be bold and large}}

enter image description here

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