I want to create a graph using Asymptote and this graph consists of quite some circles with lines between them. Let me give a small example using two circles.

pair a1=(4.5,2);
pair a2=(0,0);
real r=0.25;

path c1=circle(a1,r);
path c2=circle(a2,r);


Now, I have tried several ways to draw a simple, though nice line:

draw(a1--a2, arrow=MidArrow(size=8));
draw(c1--c2, arrow=MidArrow(size=8));
draw(a1+(0,-r)--a2+(0,r), arrow=MidArrow(size=8));

None one of them gives the result I want. The first has line segments inside the circles, the second does not start the line at logical places and the third solution does not look natural. I would want the line a1--a2, so the shortest line between the two circles, but without the line segments inside the circles.

Is there a way to shorten this line by r at both sides? This way I do not have to calculate the exact coordinates of where the a1--a2 line crosses the circle, since I want to be able to move the circles around.

2 Answers 2


Something like that?

A combination of firstcut(p, c1).after which removes the part of path p located before its intersection with c1, and of lastcut(q, c2).before, which removes the part of path q located after its intersection with c2. See Asympote's main manual, p. 35.

pair a1=(4.5,2);
pair a2=(0,0);
real r=0.25;

path c1=circle(a1,r);
path c2=circle(a2,r);

//draw(a1--a2, arrow=MidArrow(size=8));
draw(lastcut(firstcut(a1--a2, c1).after, c2).before, arrow=MidArrow(size=8));

enter image description here


@Franck has a fine general answer, but perhaps a simpler solution is to draw the arrow first, then draw AND fill the circles.

pair a1=(4.5,2);
pair a2=(0,0);
real r=0.25;

path c1=circle(a1,r);
path c2=circle(a2,r);

draw(a1--a2, arrow=MidArrow(size=8));

filldraw(c1, white);
filldraw(c2, white);

enter image description here

  • In this case it is indeed simpler, but if the arrow's tip had been located at the end of the line a1--a2 as usual, it would have been partly erased by the filling of c2. Commented May 22, 2015 at 10:00

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