I have found good methods for adding a line over or under a section heading. A horizontal line that fills the whole width.

Is it possible to add such a line extending the rest of the width placed exactly next to the heading? That is, positioned in the middle of the line-height (not top or bottom)?

1 Answer 1


Something like that? Found on the internet this construction for raised rules:

    % Raised Rule Command:
    % Arg 1 (Optional) - How high to raise the rule
    % Arg 2 - Thickness of the rule
    \titleformat{\section}{\Large\bfseries}{\thesection. }{0em}{#1\,\raisedrulefill[0.4ex]{2pt}}


  \section{A short title}
  This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph.

  \section{Another purposely very long title that extends on more than one line}
  This is another paragraph.This is another paragraph.This is another paragraph.This is another paragraph.This is another paragraph.This is another paragraph.This is another paragraph.This is another paragraph.


enter image description here

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