Another update: when applying John Kormylo's answer to karlkoeller's answer from Making marginnote to appear either side of twocolumn, twoside document, make sure that \marginnote
is followed by %
, and that the \strut
is inserted before \begingroup
(instead of directly before \oldmarginnote
). Otherwise, you will get this:
This text usually stays together, but is split across two columns with \verb|\marginnote|.
instead of this:
This text stays together regardless of \verb|\marginnote|.
Update: This is a much more concise MWE:
This text should follow the section heading without a page break in between! Uncommenting \verb|\marginnote{Note}| fixes things.
So the problem I am facing has nothing to do with needspace
or a two-column article. The question remains the same, though: "How can I prevent the page break between the section heading and the following text?"
Based on the accepted answer by @karlkoeller in Making marginnote to appear either side of twocolumn, twoside document, I came up with this MWE:
I am OK with the placement of the note, but I would like this text to follow the section heading without a page break in between! Note that uncommenting the \verb|\marginnote{Note}| fixes things.
How can I prevent the page break between the section heading and the following text?
\section[Section]{Section\marginnote{\normalfont\normalsize note}}