How would I create a TikZ picture of the limaçon $r=0.5+\cos(\theta)$
Would I have to convert it to cartesian coordinates or is there a way to plot the polar form?
Hopefully the following Minimal Working Solution can answer your problem best.
\begin{polaraxis}[enlargelimits=false, xticklabel=$\pgfmathprintnumber{\tick}^\circ$]
\addplot [thick, red, domain=0:360, samples=100] {.5+cos(x)};
For those who are interested, here is a MetaPost version of Friendly Ghost's nice answer. I've found it an interesting exercise to reproduce it. It uses a plr_function
macro defined in the preamble, which draws the plot of a polar function given as argument.
The MetaPost code has been inserted in a LuaLaTeX program here (MetaPost being kind of integrated into LuaTeX), but it is by no means necessary: it is only easier to typeset it this way, since not everyone knows how to run standalone MetaPost.
\usepackage{gensymb, luamplib}
\everymplib{u := 2cm;
vardef plr_function(expr tmin, tmax, tstep)(text f_t) =
save t; t := tmin;
(f_t)*dir t forever: hide(t := t + tstep) exitif t > tmax;
.. (f_t)*dir t endfor
if t - tstep < tmax: hide(t := tmax) .. (f_t)*dir t fi
for i = 1 upto 3:
draw fullcircle scaled (i*u) withcolor .8white;"$" & decimal .5i & "$", (.5i*u, 0));
for i = 0 upto 11:
draw origin -- 1.6u*dir 30i withcolor .8white;
freelabel("$" & decimal 30i & "\degree$", 1.6u*dir 30i, origin);
draw plr_function(0, 360, 1)(.5 + cosd t) scaled u withcolor red;