I'm trying to insert text inside an equation in a way not properly covered by the amsmath
documentation. These solutions cover inserting text between equations, and I'm trying to insert it in the middle of an aligned statement:
\mathfrak{E}_x^e+\mathfrak{E}_x^b = 0, \quad \mathfrak{E}_y^e&+\mathfrak{E}_y^b = 0, \quad \mathfrak{B}_z^e+\mathfrak{B}_z^b = 0
\shortintertext{on F,}
\frac{\partial}{\partial z} (\mathfrak{E}_z^e+\mathfrak{E}_z^b) = 0, \quad \frac{\partial}{\partial z} (\mathfrak{B}_x^e&+\mathfrak{B}_x^b) = 0,\quad \frac{\partial}{\partial z} (\mathfrak{E}_z^e+\mathfrak{E}_z^b) = 0
Which compiles to this:
I'd like for the two statements to be both numbered (5), that is, that the number 5 appear on the line in the middle (on F,), and that the two other numbers disappear as a result.