I'd like to have offset paragraphs inside a proof, say to delineate one case from another. I've been using
and implementing it as
\begin{component}[Case 1]
which works nicely, and has the look I want.
Unfortunately, if this happens to fall towards the end of a proof, I need to manually add a \qedhere at the end, as otherwise the tombstone appears one line below.
Is there some simpler way to implement something similar, that would also solve the tombstone problem? I know I could just go with
\noindent \emph{Case 1.}
but that's even more tedious, and is the whole reason I used the component theoremstyle in the first. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
macros from?\qedhere
's behaviour is really quite simple once you get it: you need\qedhere
if your environment ends with a list (in the TeXnical sense), which is, for common intents and purposes, displayed equations, subtheorems -- as you found out -- and itemize/enumerate. NTheorem's alternative approach is fragile and requires multiple passes, so yes, endmarks are tricky.