Something like this (correcting the typo mentioned in the comments)?
\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt, multi]{standalone}
\draw (0,0)
to[battery] (0,6.5)
to[ammeter] (5.5,6.5) to[resistor] (5.5,0) (2.5,0) to[voltmeter] (2.5,6.5)
Extending it a bit and adding a few labels:
(0,0) to [battery, l=$\varepsilon$, n=batt] (0,3.25) to [R=r] (0,6.5) -- (2.5,6.5) to [ammeter] (5.5,6.5) to [R=R] (5.5,0) node [rground] {}
(0,0) -- (2.5,0) to [voltmeter] (2.5,6.5)
[-{Triangle[]}] (2.5,0) -- (3.5,0) |- (5,3.25)
\node [label=0:$+$] at ([xshift=12.5pt]batt.east) {};
\node [label=0:$-$] at ([xshift=12.5pt]batt.west) {};
I forgot to add the final version. You can use the fit
library to create the dashed container around the battery and the resistor if you give them names.
\documentclass[tikz, border=5pt, multi]{standalone}
(0,0) to [battery, l=$\varepsilon$, n=batt] (0,3.25) to [R=r,n=res] (0,6.5) -- (2.5,6.5) to [ammeter] (5.5,6.5) to [R=R] (5.5,0) node [rground] {}
(0,0) -- (2.5,0) to [voltmeter] (2.5,6.5)
[-{Triangle[]}] (2.5,0) -- (3.5,0) |- (5,3.25)
\node [label=0:$+$] at ([xshift=10pt]batt.east) {};
\node [label=0:$-$] at ([xshift=10pt]batt.west) {};
\node [dashed, draw, inner xsep=15pt, fit=(batt) (res)] {};
node[above left]{$(0; 6{,}5)$}
? What is the question? What is the problem?\draw
... Each draw statement is supposed to end with a;
statement, so there's only one;
; nothing wrong with that. The reason it doesn't compile is simply the typo in\end{circuittikz}
(should be\end{circuitikz}