I have a document with two longtabu
tables. The problem is that there's too much vertical space between them (as marked by the red line):
I'd like to reduce this space whilst otherwise preserving the layout. Here's the code:
\begin{longtabu} to
\textcolor{gray}{\rule{\firstcolumn}{0.15cm}} &
\textcolor{gray}{\Large\mdseries\upshape Test} \\
A - B & My first line \\
& My second line \\
D - F & \blindtext \\
\begin{longtabu} to \textwidth{@{}p{\firstcolumn}X}%
\textcolor{gray}{\rule{\firstcolumn}{0.15cm}} &
\textcolor{gray}{\Large\mdseries\upshape Test 2} \\
A - B & My first line \\
& My second line \\
& My third line \\
& \blindtext \\