As the mightiest tool in my toolbox is python, I see python problems everywhere. (The "my only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail problem".)
The idea is the following:
- A data file, either excel, csv, mysql-database or whatever you like
- A LaTeX-template with placeholders, I used @@key, as two @ should never occure in a document, but you can think of your own.
- A python script that fills the placeholders for each row in the data
an calls LaTeX to produce the result.
Apart from the standard library you only need pandas
for the data munching
part. If you want to learn python in the next time and have a scientific background, which i assume if you are using mathematica, i recommend to install
python using the anaconda distribution.
It comes bundled with nearly all scientific modules und prebuilt dependencies:
This is my data.csv
This is my really simplistic template.tex
\item @@productID
\item @@firstname
\item @@lastname
And this is the python script, please ask if something is not
# codecs provides input/output with specific encoding
import codecs
# os includes operating system operations
import os
# this is needed to call latex from python
from subprocess import call
# pandas for data munching
import pandas
# create folders, no error if it already exists
os.makedirs('tmp', exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs('output', exist_ok=True)
# read in the template:
with'template.tex', encoding='utf8') as f:
template =
data = pandas.read_csv('data.csv')
# show the first 5 rows in the data to have a quick look
# these are the keys we want to replace with our data:
keys = [
# no we loop over each row to create a pdf with the
# data
for index, row in data.iterrows():
filled = template
for key in keys:
# replace our placeholder with the actual data, cast to string first
filled = filled.replace('@@' + key, str(row[key]))
# create a hopefully unique filename
filename = 'filled_{}_{}_{}'.format(
# now we write the filled template to the tmp folder
with'tmp/' + filename + '.tex', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
# and call lualatex or any other latex compiler
# call takes a list of arguments
'tmp/' + filename + '.tex',
# there is a missing newline at the end of the latex call
# now move the file to the output folder:
os.rename('tmp/' + filename + '.pdf', 'output/' + filename + '.pdf')
# now we delete the tmp folder
call(['rm', '-rf', 'tmp'])
pandas also provides read_excel
, read_sql_table
, read_sql_query
and many more:
... data import topic