I have a graph with some extra graphics on it:
declare function={ f(\x) = 4/(1+pow(\x/5, 2)); }]
% partitions
\foreach \x in {1, ..., 8} {
\filldraw [fill=gray!20!white, draw=gray] (\x, 0) -- (\x, {f(\x)}) -- (\x + 1, {f(\x)}) -- (\x + 1, 0) -- cycle;
\filldraw [fill=gray!40!white, draw=gray] (\x, 0) -- (\x, {f(\x + 1)}) -- (\x + 1, {f(\x + 1)}) -- (\x + 1, 0) -- cycle;
\draw [help lines] (9, 0) -- (9, {f(9)});
% axes
\draw [->] (-0.3, 0) -- (10, 0) node[right] {$n$};
\draw [->] (0, -0.3) -- (0, 4.5) node[above] {$y$};
\foreach \x in {1, ..., 9} {
\draw [font=\footnotesize] (\x, 0) -- (\x, -0.1) node[below] {\x};
% curve
\draw [thick, domain=0:10] plot(\x, {f(\x)});
However, I would like to replace the function f(\x) = 4/(1+pow(\x/5, 2))
with f(\x) = 4*(1+pow(tan(180*\x), 2)/10)/(1+pow(\x/5, 2))
, which is the same except with a vertical asymptote toward positive infinity at each half-integer (0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc.). The problem is that TikZ does not appear to be good at handling this. (It crashes with a "Dimension too large" error.) I would like
- to keep the view frame the same as it appears currently,
- to crop any part of the graph that would not appear on the view frame as it is currently, and
- to have the graph lines near asymptotes all be cut off at the same vertical height.
I tried cutting off the plotting near asymptotes with this code:
\foreach \x in {1, ..., 10} {
\draw [thick, domain=\x-0.4:\x+0.4] plot(\x, {f(\x)});
but this failed all three of my conditions listed above.
I also tried using pgfplots
, but it was difficult to reproduce what I have here. Since everything else is in pure TikZ
, I would like to solve this one remaining problem in pure TikZ
. (I don't want to learn a whole new package unless it is absolutely necessary.)
So what is the best way to draw a graph with asymptotes that satisfies my three conditions?