etoolbox's docs say in the section on environment hooks:

Parameter characters in the code argument are permissible and need not be doubled.

However, this won't compile:



\AtBeginEnvironment{foo}{begin hook: #1}


  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


The error message is

! You can't use `macro parameter character #' in horizontal mode.
\@begin@foo@hook ->begin hook: ##
l.11 \begin{foo}

Am I doing something wrong or the docs are mistaken?

1 Answer 1


The documentation is referring to a case such as



\AtBeginEnvironment{foo}{\newcommand\baz[1]{begin hook: #1}}


  \baz{Lorem} ipsum dolor sit amet.


where we don't need to double the # tokens in the definition of \baz. That's in contrast with say



  \newcommand\baz[1]{begin hook: ##1}%


  \baz{Lorem} ipsum dolor sit amet.


where we do need to double # tokens.

The hook cannot access #1 for the environment any more than any other code can (it does not add to the underlying \foo but rather uses a dedicated macro). As such, if you want to access #1 you have to redefine \foo (or the equivalent \renewenviornment{foo}).

  • Thanks a lot! How obvious. It seems that I have spent too much time in normal programming languages recently, where you call functions instead of expanding macros... ;-) (Well, you do expand macros in Lisp, but I haven't used them very often recently).
    – mbork
    Commented Jul 8, 2015 at 11:07

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