By default the arrow labels in tikz-cd
are quite small. When the labels involve subscripts or superscripts, they can become unreadable. How can I increase the label text size for all tikz-cd
diagrams in my document?
1 Answer
In your preamble, add
\tikzcdset{every label/.append style = {font = \small}}
The default font size appears to be \scriptsize
. Other options include (from small to larger): \tiny
, \scriptsize
, \footnotesize
, \small
, and \normalsize
1This seem to be valid too \tiny \scriptsize \footnotesize \small \normalsize \large \Large \LARGE \huge \Huge– nicolasCommented Jul 4, 2019 at 16:06
1is there a way to get this to have the exact same effect but in a specific diagram, instead of modifying each diagram in the document? Commented Mar 30, 2021 at 23:58
3Yes, put the
every label/.append style...
in the arguments to thetikzcd
environment, i.e.\begin{tikzcd}[every label/.append style = {font = \small}]
.– RuudCommented Apr 2, 2021 at 17:24