Suddenly, all my text that should be italics is appearing as normal text in my PDF. I've no idea what has caused this issue, so short of posting all my files, I'm unable to include a MWE just now.
Here's some notes that might provide some clues as what has caused all italics to show as normal text in the PDF:
- I'm using the thesis template
- I'm using XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.99992 (TeX Live 2015)
- I'm using biblatex 2015/04/19 v3.0
- I'm using biber
- I'm using Lucida Sans Unicode font
- Bibliography text (including book titles and journal names) that was showing as italics is now showing as normal text.
- all text wrapped in
is showing as normal text - I'm not getting errors when typesetting
- I'm getting several LaTeX Font Warnings when typesetting, for example
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape EU1/LucidaSansUnicode(0)/bx/it' undefined