I have to use the thmtools
package to style my theorems, lemmas, remarks etc.
Unfortunately, I noticed that when I give an optional name to a remark for instance this name is in normal font, but the dot after it is in bold and it stands out as not nice IMPO!
I want to keep in bold font the name remark and the dot when there is no optional name but I want the dot in normal font when there is one optional name. How do I do it?
Here is my MWE:
\declaretheoremstyle[spaceabove=6pt plus 0pt minus 2pt, spacebelow=0pt plus 0pt minus 2pt, headfont=\bfseries, bodyfont=\normalfont, postheadspace=5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt]{myremstyle}
\begin{rem}[not quite nice effect]
package and using that package's\listtheorems