In the screen capture below:

enter image description here

Why is there a warning in the WinEdt tree structure that the bib files cannot be found.

My document compiles normally as I have the following commands for my biblatex:


This is an image for my folder structure:

enter image description here

I am able to compile my document correctly, but just curious as to why I get this warning from WinEdt in the tree structure?

  • I assume we are talking about this situation? In that case then, I think WinEdit's tree structure component thinks that the working directory is the one you showed in the screenshots, let's call it doc (for lack of information on its real name), obviously then doc/../References/chap1.bib is an invalid path, and the correct path is doc/References/chap1.bib (so no .. there, maybe just a .). But in your situation LaTeX's working directory is TeXAux making ../References/chap1.bib the correct relative path from TeX's point of view.
    – moewe
    Commented Jul 9, 2015 at 19:46

1 Answer 1


WinEdt assumes that the paths of the files which have to be collected in its Tree interface are relative to the main document being processed.

So, you have to use


instead of


To circumvent the errors when compiling your bibliographies with biber, see this answer of mine.

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