I have this code to draw a mass on a spring and now I want to have a curly brace below the spring to denote the distance: x_0. How do I do this?
\tikzstyle{ground}=[fill,pattern=north east lines,draw=none,minimum width=0.3,minimum height=0.6]
\node (wall1) [ground, minimum height=2cm] {};
\draw (wall1.north east) -- (wall1.south east);
\node [draw,minimum width=0.5cm,minimum height=0.5cm] (mass) at (2,0) {m};
\node (fix) at (0,0) {};
\draw [snake=coil,segment amplitude=5pt,segment length=5pt] (fix) -- (mass);
below delimiter=\{
as shown in Correct delimiter height in TikZ (see both the question source code and my answer).