Is there a way to directly compile TeX code into the SVG image format (rather than going the detour over TeX => PDF => SVG)?
I found this question: Convert LaTeX to SVG online
But I don't want to do it online - it should be a command-line call.
Is there a way to directly compile TeX code into the SVG image format (rather than going the detour over TeX => PDF => SVG)?
I found this question: Convert LaTeX to SVG online
But I don't want to do it online - it should be a command-line call.
The command tex2svg
becomes available once mathjax-node-cli
in combination with node.js
is installed.
With (X)Ubuntu LTS, this requires only two installation steps:
$ sudo apt install nodejs npm
$ sudo npm install --global mathjax-node-cli
The command:
$ /usr/local/lib/node_modules/mathjax-node-cli/bin/tex2svg '\sin^2{\theta} + \cos^2{\theta} = 1' > test.svg
will yield:
Note 1: If node
is used with NVM, the path may be different. The path can be found with:
$ type node
Note 2: The generated SVG file renders properly inside a browser but cannot be displayed using standard image tools.
Note 3: Generating SVG from a TeX file can be done as follows:
$ cat YOURSOURCEFILE.tex | xargs -0 -t -I % /usr/local/lib/node_modules/mathjax-node-cli/bin/tex2svg '%' > YOURENDFILE.svg
sudo npm install --global mathjax-node-cli
and /usr/local/lib/node_modules/mathjax-node-cli/bin/tex2svg '\sin^2{\theta} + \cos^2{\theta} = 1' > test.svg
You can use classical LaTeX (with dvi output) and dvisvgm
( ) to convert the dvi file to SVG.
EDIT: I am not aware of a *svgtex implementation that does the conversion in one step.
xelatex --no-pdf
producing extended DVI (file ending xdv
) and subsequent conversion to SVG with dvisvgm
In my windows, this works,
Then add the "bin" folder to path.
For example, I add "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\bin" and "C:\Program Files\gs\gs9.54.0\bin" to the user path.
If you have a "document.tex" file, then
pdflatex document.tex
gswin64 -dNoOutputFonts -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -o tmp.pdf document.pdf
inkscape -o document.svg tmp.pdf
Here gswin64 can convert the text to path, avoid the font error when inkscape convert to svg. Although the inkscape has "-T" option that convert text to path, however, this doesn't work sometimes expectially when you are use tikzpicture.
Here's a command line tool to convert mathematical expressions in tex to svg (via pdflatex and pdf2svg):
Example usage:
tex2svg '$\exp(i\cdot\pi) + 1 = 0$' out.svg
(Disclaimer: I'm the author, so likely biased.)
inkscape --without-gui --file=input.pdf --export-plain-svg=output.svg
help to avoid the termination problem? See this question