I want to draw a red page border only on the title page and signature page of my thesis.
How can I achieve this. I tried the fancybox
package but it has some conflict with fancyhdr
package and displayed some of the page headings out of place.
5 Answers
Without a graphic-package like tikz
or pstrick
you can use eso-pic
In relation to the idea of xport here an example with allows a frame around the text size and the paper size.
I modified my code. Now you can stretch the frame around the text with the setting of the lengths extraxsep
and extraysep
enter image description here
works but\frameatpage
does not. pdflatex complains"a <box> is suppose to the here"
. Is there a way to increase the space between the text and the box. In my case the box wraps around the text too tightly.– GodeyCommented Aug 13, 2011 at 14:46 -
The example above works fine for me. I use TexLive 2011. Commented Aug 13, 2011 at 14:53
@Godey: I edited my post. I think during the copy-paste process you forgot to copy the commands
Commented Aug 13, 2011 at 15:02 -
I'm aware that this is a ten year old answer - but is there an easy way to make this active on 'this page and all following it'?– JoeCommented Aug 25, 2021 at 8:02
Hello world
I actually required something like this yesterday for my appendix pages of my thesis. Use the tikz
package and then place the following code somewhere on the title page. This requires two compilation runs to get correct results. Adjust the settings accordantly.
\tikz[remember picture,overlay] {%
\draw [thick,red!50!black]
([shift={(+10mm,-10mm)}]current page.north west)
([shift={(-10mm,+10mm)}]current page.south east)
See also Use TikZ to draw frontpage and Title page using TikZ as well as Get a "Boxed" page with TeX.
@Martin: This could be written a bit more elegantly as
\draw [thick,red!50!black] ([shift={(+10mm,-10mm)}]current page.north west) rectangle ([shift={(-10mm,+10mm)}]current page.south east) ;
– JakeCommented Aug 15, 2011 at 6:55 -
1@Jake: Indeed! Funny, I should have known that. I'm just in my last week of thesis write-up and don't have much concentration for anything else :-) I updated my code. Thanks! Commented Aug 15, 2011 at 7:01
This is what I did:
- Create a title page by LibreOffice and export it to PDF say, title.pdf
Use package wallpaper and include these lines after \begin{document}:
\begin{titlepage} \ThisLRCornerWallPaper{1}{title.pdf} \null \vfill \end{titlepage}
Enjoy :-)
% #1: border color
% #2: background color
% %3: border width
1Your example works only with
but not withpdflatex
Commented Aug 13, 2011 at 12:01 -
1@Marco: Both
can compile it without problem. Commented Aug 13, 2011 at 14:22 -
1yeah but I mean the direct compiling to pdf --
pdflatex foo.tex
. Commented Aug 13, 2011 at 14:26