Look at the following MWE which is compiled via latex->dvips->ps2pdf




\pstVerb{/ra \fra\space def}%
\pstVerb{/rb \frb\space def}%
\pstVerb{/rc \frc\space def}%
\pstVerb{/rd \frd\space def}%
\pstVerb{/re \fre\space def}%
\psgraph[xAxisLabel={\ },yAxisLabel={\ },Ox=0,Dx=20,Dy=0.2,dx=0.2](-0.0,-0.0)(1,1){6cm}{6cm}%
     \psLorenz[plotstyle=bezier,linecolor=black,liftpen=2]{0.025 0.2 0.21 0.27 0.295}%
     \psLorenz[plotstyle=bezier,linecolor=black,liftpen=2]{ra rb rc rd re}%



Goal: Fill with color (or other fill-styles) between two psLorenz curves. Attention: It is required not to subtract areas, because this piece of code is part of other code, too... which is not part of the problem and therefore removed.

I have tried to solve this problem but it seems to me that I am not able to connect the endpoints together.

Update: Goal: Red between both pslorenz. No Fill between lorenz and a simple line

  • Could you upload a screenshot of what you have and be a bit more specific on your problems. If I compile your MWE, I see a red area between a straight line and a curve. It would be easier if you explain a bit than us having to decipher your source code.
    – LaRiFaRi
    Commented Jul 20, 2015 at 7:55
  • And please minimize your code. \usepackage{filecontents} is unnecessary, to give an example.
    – LaRiFaRi
    Commented Jul 20, 2015 at 7:58
  • Yes, filecontents was required from a step between to the mwe, because I load datatool in normal operation and load all values from csv files. All other packages ought to be required. Commented Jul 20, 2015 at 8:02

2 Answers 2


The \psLorenz macro uses \listplot, and the points of both plots are in the same order (x-values from left to right). In order to fill the area between both curves, you must reverse one of the curves using the ChangeOrder parameter provided explicitely for this case of filling between two \listplot:


\psgraph[xAxisLabel={\ },yAxisLabel={\ },Ox=0,Dx=20,Dy=0.2,dx=0.2](-0.0,-0.0)(1,1){6cm}{6cm}%
  \psLorenz[plotstyle=bezier]{0.025 0.2 0.21 0.27 0.295}
  \psLorenz[plotstyle=bezier, ChangeOrder]{ 0.00135847 0.00411338 0.00163124 0.00079123 0.99210568 1}%

enter image description here

I generated this png with pdftocairo -r 100 -png. When looking at the resulting pdf file with e.g. okular I see an artifact line, which I couldn't remove. The following screenshot shows this:

enter image description here

Alternatively you can use pst-intersect to save the first \psLorenz curve, and then reverse this path when tracing it with \pstracecurve:


\psgraph[xAxisLabel={\ },yAxisLabel={\ },Ox=0,Dx=20,Dy=0.2,dx=0.2](-0.0,-0.0)(1,1){6cm}{6cm}%
  \pssavepath{Lorenz}{\psLorenz[plotstyle=bezier]{0.025 0.2 0.21 0.27 0.295}}
    \psLorenz[plotstyle=bezier]{ 0.00135847 0.00411338 0.00163124 0.00079123 0.99210568 1}%

Note, that for this latter solution you need the development version of pst-intersect from https://github.com/cbersch/pst-intersect.

enter image description here

  • Can you tell my, why you are going to create a png? Because if I use pdf only, I dont see this line of example 1. Commented Jul 23, 2015 at 11:49
  • I only created the png to show the result here. As I wrote, I do see the additional line with some viewer, with other not: Line appears with okular, Acrobat Reader, gsview. Line does not appear with mupdf, foxit, firefox (pdf.js), chrome (pdfium), pdftocairo.
    – Christoph
    Commented Jul 23, 2015 at 12:08
  • ok, thank you. I will once more try the second solution and download the new version of your package. I will wait one or two more days, maybe someone knows the reason for the line... Commented Jul 23, 2015 at 12:29

use two single fills and, of course, do not use the curve style bezier for a Lorenz curve:


        \psLorenz*[linecolor=blue!40]{0.025 0.2 0.21 0.27 0.295}
        \kern0.5pt% to get rid of a small vertical rule
        \psLorenz*[linecolor=white,dimen=inner]{ 0.00135847 0.00411338 0.00163124 0.00079123 0.99210568 1}


enter image description here

  • But the goal is to fill between the to curves, see answer below... Commented Jul 24, 2015 at 12:17
  • see my edited answer
    – user2478
    Commented Jul 24, 2015 at 16:53

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