I'm having trouble splitting the portion of the equation withinenter image description here square brackets into two lines. How can it be done?



\ \frac{d\langle  v_{dcL} \rangle  _0}{dt}&=\frac{1}{C_{dcL}}\Big[2{\langle  S_{D2} \rangle  ^R_1\langle  i_{tp} \rangle  ^R_1+\langle  S_{D2} \rangle  ^I_1\langle  i_{tp} \rangle  ^I_1-\langle  S_{i1} \rangle  ^R_1\langle  i_{fi1} \rangle  ^R_1 -\langle  S_{i1} \rangle  ^I_1\langle  i_{fi1} \rangle  ^I_1}\Big] \\


1 Answer 1


Do it manually, with


\ \frac{d\langle  v_{dcL} \rangle  _0}{dt}&=\frac{1}{C_{dcL}}\Big[2 
\langle  S_{D2} \rangle  ^R_1\langle  i_{tp} \rangle  ^R_1+\\
&\langle  S_{D2} \rangle  ^I_1\langle  i_{tp} \rangle  ^I_1-\langle 
 S_{i1} \rangle  ^R_1\langle  i_{fi1} \rangle  ^R_1 -\langle  S_{i1}
  \rangle  ^I_1\langle  i_{fi1} \rangle  ^I_1 \Big] 


and output is:

enter image description here

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