My latex started showing this error:
Error | line 3|! Text line contains an invalid character.
out of nowhere. Actually, it shows 100 of this errors, all in the same line.
I started to investigate and tried to test where the error could come from. In the end I ended with the following code:
Hello $1,2,3$.
and the same error appears. I tried to remove the \documentclass but the same error appears. Here's a printscreen of the error(s);
If any of you guys would help me, this is driving me mad!
The log file:
LOG FILE : This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.5-1.40.14 (MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2015.6.27) 3 AUG 2015 17:47 entering extended mode
**main.tex ("C:\Users\Admin\Dropbox\Mestrado\Tese\Latex\Minhatese\main.tex" LaTeX2e <2011/06/27> Babel and hyphenation patterns for english, afrikaans, ancientgreek, ar abic, armenian, assamese, basque, bengali, bokmal, bulgarian, catalan, coptic, croatian, czech, danish, dutch, esperanto, estonian, farsi, finnish, french, ga lician, german, german-x-2013-05-26, greek, gujarati, hindi, hungarian, iceland ic, indonesian, interlingua, irish, italian, kannada, kurmanji, latin, latvian, lithuanian, malayalam, marathi, mongolian, mongolianlmc, monogreek, ngerman, n german-x-2013-05-26, nynorsk, oriya, panjabi, pinyin, polish, portuguese, roman ian, russian, sanskrit, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, swedish, swissgerm an, tamil, telugu, turkish, turkmen, ukenglish, ukrainian, uppersorbian, usengl ishmax, welsh, loaded.
("C:\Program Files\MiKTeX2.9\tex\latex\base\report.cls" Document Class: >report 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class ("C:\Program >Files\MiKTeX 2.9\tex\latex\base\size12.clo" File: size12.clo 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard >LaTeX file (size option) ) \c@part=\count79 \c@chapter=\count80 \c@section=\count81 \c@subsection=\count82 \c@subsubsection=\count83 \c@paragraph=\count84 \c@subparagraph=\count85 \c@figure=\count86 \c@table=\count87 \abovecaptionskip=\skip41 \belowcaptionskip=\skip42 \bibindent=\dimen102 )
("C:\Users\Admin\Dropbox\Mestrado\Tese\Latex\Minha tese\main.aux" !
Text line contains an invalid character. l.3 ... A funny symbol that I can't read has just been input. Continue and I'll forget it ever happened. ! Text line contains an invalid character. l.3 ... A funny symbol that I can't read has just been input. Continue and I'll forget it ever happened.
[... the same error over and over ...]
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!