I have the following example code



\SetSymbolFont{operators}{nxbold}{OT1}{cmr} {b}{n}
\SetSymbolFont{letters}  {nxbold}{OML}{cmm} {b}{it}
\SetSymbolFont{symbols}  {nxbold}{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n}



\newcolumntype{U}[3]{>{<<what to put here for underline cell?>>\DC@{#1}{#2}{#3}}c<{\DC@end}}


    \multicolumn{1}{c}{bold}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{underlined} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{B{,}{,}{6.2}}{12,345} & \multicolumn{1}{U{,}{,}{6.2}}{56,789} \\

The bold math type B is taken from the Z type from here and it works perfectly.

What do I have to put in the U type at <<what to put here for underline cell?>> to get an underlined cell?

I already tried \underline and \uline from the ulem package but both resulted in errors. Is this somehow possible with the dcolumn package?

Thanks for your help

  • You like to underline just a number? or make line at bottom of cell?
    – Zarko
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 9:27
  • Just the number. But I need the alignment along the commas to work too.
    – tiom
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 9:42

2 Answers 2


I suggest collcell package, which provides \collectcell and \endcollectcell command. You put these commands into U column definition.


\SetSymbolFont{operators}{nxbold}{OT1}{cmr} {b}{n}
\SetSymbolFont{letters}  {nxbold}{OML}{cmm} {b}{it}
\SetSymbolFont{symbols}  {nxbold}{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n}




    \multicolumn{1}{c}{bold}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{underlined} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{B{,}{,}{2.3}}{12,345} & \multicolumn{1}{U{,}{,}{2.3}}{56,789} \\

EDIT This version doesn't need collcell package



\SetSymbolFont{operators}{nxbold}{OT1}{cmr} {b}{n}
\SetSymbolFont{letters}  {nxbold}{OML}{cmm} {b}{it}
\SetSymbolFont{symbols}  {nxbold}{OMS}{cmsy}{b}{n}



\meaning\underline{Roba varia e eventuale}
    \multicolumn{1}{c}{bold}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{underlined} \\
    \multicolumn{1}{B{,}{,}{2.3}}{12,345} & \multicolumn{1}{U{,}{,}{2.3}}{56,789} \\
  • where to find collcell package? Is it par of some bundle? MikTeX doesn't find it (in on the fly installation)?
    – Zarko
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 9:48
  • I found the package, problem is that temporary is MikTeX repository is down ...
    – Zarko
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 9:51
  • I'm sorry, i don't know. I use TeXlive full installation.
    – skevin93
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 9:52
  • Works like a charm. Thanks for the solution. I'm using the one without the collcell package.
    – tiom
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 11:02

Here is another (incomplete) approach with siunitx which I am more used to. For the bold column, I managed to get it working. For the underlining, just single occurrences in one column seem to work. See my comments on where I got stuck.

% arara: pdflatex

\usepackage{lmodern} % if you do not want to stay with pixeled characters
\sisetup{output-decimal-marker = {,}} % or you set the localisation for your language e.g. 'locale = FR'
\newcolumntype{B}[1]{>{\bfseries}S[table-format=#1, detect-weight]}
%\newcolumntype{U}[1]{>{\collectcell\uline}{S[table-format=#1]}<{\endcollectcell}} % does not work. It seems as if collcell can just handle standard column types. 

\begin{table}[h] % h just for demo. Do not use it...
    \begin{tabular}{S[table-format=2.3, detect-weight]S[table-format=2.3]}
        {bold} & {underlined} \\
        \bfseries 12,345 & \uline{56,789} \\
    \begin{tabular}{B{2.3}S[table-format=2.3]} % using \uline for all entries is a not solved problem still. See here http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/161032
        {\normalfont bold} & {underlined} \\ % you can also use a `\multicolumn{1}{c}{bold}` here, as you did.
        12,345 & \uline{56,789} \\
        1.53 & 45.1 \\
        13.4 & .456 \\      

enter image description here

  • Thanks for your solution but since I need more then one underlined number in a row I cant use it.
    – tiom
    Commented Aug 5, 2015 at 11:02

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