I am using xepersian with beamer and I have a problem with list environments, e.g. itemize and enumerate. I cannot flush them to the right (make them right-aligned). As you can see in the MWE, I have tried setRL, setRTL and flushright, but they have no effect on the slides.

\settextfont{FreeFarsi}% http://sourceforge.net/projects/fpf/


\begin{frame}{مشکل لیست}
  متن نمونه

      \item مورد اول

      \item مورد اول



P.S. It is probably pushing it, but can I do something so the triangle in itemize points to the left?

1 Answer 1


There are multi problems in the alignment of texts when using RTL languages in beamer with xelatex, not currently have a comprehensive solution.

In my case, I use some tricks and I suspect it work for you:

  1. To right align main text in the frames you can use \everypar{\rightskip\rightmargin}
  2. To right align lists after the beginning of the list environment put \raggedleft, you can add a command \RTlist to control item right margin.
  3. For triangle of bullet points to the left, you can take a look at my question here and the detailed answer from @GonzaloMedina.

And here your MWE with those changes

\settextfont{FreeFarsi}% http://sourceforge.net/projects/fpf/


\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\scriptsize\raise1.25pt%

\setbeamertemplate{enumerate items}[ball] % or circle 


\begin{frame}{مشکل لیست}
  متن نمونه

      \item مورد اول

      \item مورد اول
      \item  مورد اول
      \item  مورد ثان



enter image description here

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