In my document, I want the main text to be in the times
font, and the math to be in the txfonts
font. This I can do with the help of the txfonts
package. However, I want everything that shows up in my figures to be sans serif, including the math. So far I've been able to change the text font to sans serif but I also want to change the math font to a sans serif, both in the caption and the figure itself (where I use TikZ).
Here's a minimal (non-working) example that needs tweaking. The problem is the math within the figure and the caption which now is txfonts
%This package is used to get sans serif for regular text in captions.
%This package is used to get times for the main text and txfonts for math.
Main text is supposed to be times. Math in main text is supposed to be txfonts: $1+1=3$.
%Here I invoke the font option to make text within TikZ sans serif.
\node at (0,0) {Sans Serif};
\node at (0,1) {Sans Serif Math: $5=3$};
\caption{Figure caption text is supposed to be sans serif. Math in figure capture text is supposed to be sans serif: $3+1=4.5$.}