I am new to latex and struggling a bit to fit a regression table onto one page (portrait). At the moment I am using \resizebox but cannot quite get it work. I found a similar thread which relies on the adjustbox package but my PC cannot install it for some reason... (Shrink table to fit on a page, or keep it as it is)

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can shrink the table to fit on one page?

Here is my setup:



\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1}
\multicolumn{6}{l}{Table 5.1.  \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\scriptsize{Notes text......}} \\
\multicolumn{6}{c}{Panel A}\\
{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover}\\
\cline{2-3}  \cline{5-6}
{} & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} & & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} \\ 
Experience & -0.148 & -0.0114 &       & -0.0025 & 0.0058 \\
  & (-39.87) & (-4.10) &       & (-1.37) & (2.41) \\
Initial Dependent &       & 0.0857 &       &       & 0.110 \\
  &       & (15.02) &       &       & (7.02)  \\
Lag Dependent &       & 0.126 &       &       & 0.125 \\
  &       & (12.11) &       &       & (9.74)  \\
Lag Return &       & 0.0483 &       &       & 0.0295$ \\
  &       & (7.14) &       &       & (5.01) \\
Intercept & 0.350 & 0.245 &       & 0.0634 & -0.121 \\
  & (50.57) & (2.88) &       & (19.78) & (-1.64) \\
Controls & No & Yes & & No & Yes \\
Year FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \\
County FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \\
No. Obs. & 129,861 & 84,747 &       & 129,861 & 84,747 \\
Adj. R-sq & 0.128 & 0.075 &       & 0.017 & 0.050 \\
% Panel B
\multicolumn{6}{c}{Panel B - All Households}\\
{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover}  \\
\cline{2-3}  \cline{5-6}
{} & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} & & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} \\ 
Experience & -0.121 & -0.0004 &       & -0.078 & 0.041 \\
  & (-48.57) & (-2.50) &       & (-1.77) & (2.03) \\
Initial Dependent &       & 0.0997 &       &       & 0.250 \\
  &       & (19.92) &       &       & (7.96)  \\
Lag Dependent &       & 0.116 &       &       & 0.144 \\
  &       & (11.00) &       &       & (7.28)  \\
Lag Return &       & 0.323 &       &       & 0.0258 \\
  &       & (4.58) &       &       & (2.31) \\
Intercept & 0.589 & 0.225 &       & 0.0436 & -0.122 \\
  & (51.57) & (2.11) &       & (15.72) & (-1.51) \\
Controls & No & Yes & & No & Yes  \\
Year FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes  \\
County FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \\
No. Obs. & 1,256,615 & 874,015 &       & 1,256,615 & 874,015 \\
Adj. R-sq & 0.017 & 0.045 &       & 0.007 & 0.026 \\

Sorry for such long code! Thank you for the help!!

2 Answers 2


I suggest the following changes in your code:

  • If I correctly understand you'd like to have a table of the same width as the text width. This is simply achievable by using tabularx. For this don't use adjustbox, because the table will become very ugly.
  • the table caption, except for longtable should be outside of tabular environment, so I introduced floating environment table and added the caption package
  • For nice looking tables it is appropriate to use the booktabs packages and its rules: toprule, midrule ... as you can see in code below
  • Your table actually has five columns, not six, so I reduces number of columns
  • with showframe I show that table has a width of text width. For actual use, please remove this package.
  • It seems that in the main text and the table text you would like to have different interline spaces. For this I use the package setspace and put the complete table content between \begin{spacing}{1.0} ... \end{spacing}. You can change this stretch to your wish and taste.

After all these changes I obtain the following:

enter image description here

I didn't retype entire table, missing rows are easy to add.



    \usepackage{showframe}% just to show page layout
    \usepackage{booktabs, tabularx}


\caption[Table 5.1]
        {Table 5.1.\medskip\newline
        Notes text......}
\multicolumn{5}{c}{Panel A}\\
    &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} 
        & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover}\\
    \cmidrule(r){2-3}  \cmidrule(l){4-5}
    & $(1)$     &  $(2)$    & $(1)$     & $(2)$     \\
    & -0.148    & -0.0114   & -0.0025   &   0.0058  \\
    & (-39.87)  & (-4.10)   & (-1.37)   &   (2.41)  \\
Initial Dependent 
    &           & 0.0857    &           &   0.110   \\
    &           & (15.02)   &           &   (7.02)  \\
Lag Dependent 
    &           & 0.126     &           &   0.125   \\
    &           & (12.11)   &           &   (9.74)  \\
Lag Return 
    &           & 0.0483    &           &   0.0295  \\
    &           &           &           &   (5.01)  \\
    &   0.350   & 0.245     &   0.0634  &    -0.121 \\
    &   (50.57) & (2.88)    &   (19.78) &   (-1.64) \\
    & No        &   Yes     &   No      &   Yes     \\
Year FE 
    &   Yes     &   Yes     &   Yes     &   Yes     \\
County FE   
    & Yes       &   Yes     &   Yes     &   Yes     \\
No. Obs. 
    & 129,861   & 84,747    &   129,861 & 84,747    \\
Adj. R-sq 
    & 0.128     & 0.075     &   0.017   & 0.050     \\
% Panel B
    \multicolumn{5}{c}{Panel B - All Households}    \\
    &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} 
        &   \multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover}       \\
    \cmidrule(r){2-3}  \cmidrule(l){4-5}
    & $(1)$     &  $(2)$    & $(1)$     & $(2)$     \\
    & -0.121    & -0.0004   &   -0.078  &   0.041   \\
    & (-48.57)  & (-2.50)   &   (-1.77) &   (2.03)  \\
Initial Dependent 
    &           & 0.0997    &           &   0.250   \\

You mean something like the code below?

(Your code didn't compile: missing curlies, $ instead of \$.)



\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{0.8} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1}
\multicolumn{6}{l}{Table 5.1.}  \\
\multicolumn{6}{l}{\scriptsize{Notes text......}} \\
\multicolumn{6}{c}{Panel A}\\
{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover}\\
\cline{2-3}  \cline{5-6}
{} & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} & & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} \\ 
Experience & -0.148 & -0.0114 &       & -0.0025 & 0.0058 \\
  & (-39.87) & (-4.10) &       & (-1.37) & (2.41) \\
Initial Dependent &       & 0.0857 &       &       & 0.110 \\
  &       & (15.02) &       &       & (7.02)  \\
Lag Dependent &       & 0.126 &       &       & 0.125 \\
  &       & (12.11) &       &       & (9.74)  \\
Lag Return &       & 0.0483 &       &       & 0.0295 \\
  &       & (7.14) &       &       & (5.01) \\
Intercept & 0.350 & 0.245 &       & 0.0634 & -0.121 \\
  & (50.57) & (2.88) &       & (19.78) & (-1.64) \\
Controls & No & Yes & & No & Yes \\
Year FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \\
County FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \\
No. Obs. & 129,861 & 84,747 &       & 129,861 & 84,747 \\
Adj. R-sq & 0.128 & 0.075 &       & 0.017 & 0.050 \\
% Panel B
\multicolumn{6}{c}{Panel B - All Households}\\
{} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Purchase Turnover} & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Sale Turnover}  \\
\cline{2-3}  \cline{5-6}
{} & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} & & {$(1)$} & {$(2)$} \\ 
Experience & -0.121 & -0.0004 &       & -0.078 & 0.041 \\
  & (-48.57) & (-2.50) &       & (-1.77) & (2.03) \\
Initial Dependent &       & 0.0997 &       &       & 0.250 \\
  &       & (19.92) &       &       & (7.96)  \\
Lag Dependent &       & 0.116 &       &       & 0.144 \\
  &       & (11.00) &       &       & (7.28)  \\
Lag Return &       & 0.323 &       &       & 0.0258 \\
  &       & (4.58) &       &       & (2.31) \\
Intercept & 0.589 & 0.225 &       & 0.0436 & -0.122 \\
  & (51.57) & (2.11) &       & (15.72) & (-1.51) \\
Controls & No & Yes & & No & Yes  \\
Year FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes  \\
County FE & Yes & Yes & & Yes & Yes \\
No. Obs. & 1,256,615 & 874,015 &       & 1,256,615 & 874,015 \\
Adj. R-sq & 0.017 & 0.045 &       & 0.007 & 0.026 \\


[![enter image description here][1]][1]

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