I am using \documentclass{book} and tocloft for the table of contents.

The way my document is structured I have the table of contents, then a \chapter*, then part one, chapters, etc.

For some reason, the "CONTENTS" header is on the blank page after the \chapter* finishes. If I change that chapter to \chapter{Prologue} instead of \chapter*{Prologue}, it's fine (but I don't want that chapter numbered).

Any idea what's going on here or how to make it



% fixme: ``Contents'' still shows up on the header after prologue

% Prologue goes here


\part*{Part One}
% and so on...

1 Answer 1


User \markboth to set the header entry for a starred, unnumbered chapter, such as


You also could apply your header formatting here, such as \MakeUppercase{Prologue} if required. Also, if you use the title "Prologue" very often now, it could be a good idea to make a macro for that name.

  • +1 It seems strange that it doesn't do that automatically, doesn't it? Thanks a lot!
    – user
    Aug 21, 2011 at 23:38

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