When creating a TikZ snippet inside a figure caption, the snippet is never really aligned with the surrounding text. For example,




  (\protect\tikz \protect\node [circle,draw=black,minimum width=1em]{};)



enter image description here

I suppose it all looks alright if the circle sits comfortably on the base line. How to get it there?

2 Answers 2


Give the node some (invisible) content and a name and use the base (or any other desired) anchor for baseline; you can also pass explicit lengths to baseline for finer control. The following example shows both options (I also set inner sep=0pt for the second example):



  (\protect\tikz[baseline=(circ.base)] \protect\node[circle,draw=black,minimum width=1em] (circ) {\protect\phantom{a}};)
    (\protect\tikz[baseline=-0.7ex] \protect\node[circle,draw=black,inner sep=0pt,text width=1em] (circ) {\protect\phantom{a}};)}


The result:

enter image description here


The math mode command \vcenter centers its material around the math axis:




      \protect\tikz \protect\node [circle,draw=black,minimum width=1em]{};%


The additional \hbox prevents, that \tikz starts a new paragraph inside \vcenter with a full line width. Both \vcenter and \hbox are robust and do not need \protect.

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