I have been trying to extract .tex code out of a .dtx file (this file to be precise, which should produce the microtype documentation). I understand the idea of having a single .dtx file from which all the documentation etc. can be generated but I would like to extract the .tex part and compile it independently to get a better feel of how it all works.

I have tried the suggestions in Can I convert a dtx file to tex file but I am not sure how to deal with the ifs, xdefs, mt etc.

How can I convert this .dtx to .tex?

  • 5
    The other question already covers the key points here: a .dtx file is a special form of .tex file and can be typeset directly. There's really no 'extract the .tex file' part to the process.
    – Joseph Wright
    Aug 29, 2015 at 7:33
  • @JosephWright Thanks for your answer. What I mean by extracting the .tex part is to have a minimal working model of the .dtx file so that it produces the same documentation as output without producing other files.
    – nomad
    Aug 29, 2015 at 9:10
  • 2
    Just running a .dtx file with pdflatex will often just produce the PDF: that depends on what tricks are used in the .dtx. The code is part of the typeset PDF output so you really can't start stripping out the DocStrip material.
    – Joseph Wright
    Aug 29, 2015 at 9:12
  • Just running LaTeX on the file will not normally (in my experience / use case) produce the other files. (I use a separate .ins file to do that.) Aug 29, 2015 at 13:26
  • @JosephWright Okay. Actually, I liked the style of the document a lot and wanted to make a template out of it for later use e.g. for writing a thesis and hence I was interested in this. Do you think there is a way to do that ?
    – nomad
    Aug 29, 2015 at 23:41

1 Answer 1


Apart from specifics related to verbatim listing and indexing of code sections, the ltxdoc class is essentially just the standard article class.

In comments you clarified that a motivating example is the microtype documentation. the layout used there is essentially independent of the class as it redefines the entire layout in a 600 line preamble.

You can copy that preamble and use it with article class as below, I just had to comment out a few lines (marked %dpc) that were changing things specific to ltxdoc so not relevant to an article class document. The result typesets as:

enter image description here

% Let's abolish CM! We use Charter and Letter Gothic
% (for the pre-built documentation on CTAN):
 \def\rmdefault{bch} % not scaled
  \DeclareFontShape{T1}{blg}{k}{n}{<-> ssub * blg/b/n}{}}
\usepackage[latin1]{\ifluatex lua\fi inputenc}
      { doc }
      { encoding = {*, TS1, OMS},
        family   = {rm*, tt*},
        size     = {footnotesize, small, normalsize} }
      { encoding = OMS,
        family   = mdbch }
      { "68 = {400, },  % \langle
        "69 = { ,400} } % \rangle
      { doc }
      { encoding = T1,
        family   = blg, % typewriter font and ...
        font     = * }  % French sample in section \ref{sub:kerning}
      { encoding = T1,
        family   = blg }
      { _ = {100,100} } % underscores shouldn't touch
 % disable ?` and !` ligatures (sample in section \ref{sec:disable-ligatures})
 \DisableLigatures[?,!]{encoding = *, family = rm* }
 % Fraktur sample in section \ref{sec:lettersp}
   {\def\textfrak##1{{\fontfamily{mwr}\selectfont ##1}}
      \SetTracking[no ligatures={f,s,c}]{encoding=T1,family=mwr}{100}
        \SetTracking[no ligatures={f,s,c}]{encoding=LY,family=yfrak}{100}
  \ifnum\pdftexversion<140 \else % pdftex 1.40, including textmatrix patch,
    \microtypesetup{expansion=alltext,step=1} % hence we can activate expansion ...
    \tolerance=300         % ... and make TeX almost as intolerant as it normally is
%dpc    \g@addto@macro\macrocode{\microtypesetup{expansion=false}}
    \pdfminorversion=5 % for the OCGs
  % bonus material
\ifluatex % microtype.dtx finally compiles with 0.35!
 \definecolor{thered}    {rgb} {0.65,0.04,0.07}
 \definecolor{thegreen}  {rgb} {0.06,0.44,0.08}
 \definecolor{theblue}   {rgb} {0.02,0.04,0.48}
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 \definecolor{theframe}  {gray}{0.75}
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% general layout
  \pdfliteral direct{/Span<</ActualText(#2)>>BDC}#1\pdfliteral direct{EMC}%
  \else #1\fi}
\expandafter\newif\csname ifcmr\endcsname
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     \hbox{\check@mathfonts\fontsize\sf@size\z@\math@fontsfalse\selectfont A}%
  {\catcode`\`=\active % indiscernible from ' in Bitstream Letter Gothic
%dpc   \g@addto@macro\macro@code{\let`\textasciigrave}
% sections
%\def\@seccntformat#1{\setbox0\hbox to0pt{\hss\colorbox{theshade}{\space\color{sectioning}\csname the#1\endcsname\strut\space}\hskip\marginparsep}\ht0=0pt \dp0=0pt \box0}
\def\@seccntformat#1{\llap{\csname the#1\endcsname\hskip\marginparsep}}
\def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
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% headers
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      \hrule height 0.4pt width\textwidth \vskip-0.4pt
  \def\subsectionmark##1{\markright{: ##1}}}
% toc
\def\l@section{\vskip -1.25ex\l@section@}
\def\l@subsection{\vskip.35ex \penalty\@secpenalty \@dottedtocline{2}{1.5em}{2.7em}}
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% bibliography
\def\@cite#1#2{#1\if@tempswa, #2\fi}
  \list{}{\leftmargin 0pt}%
  \clubpenalty 4000
  \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
  \widowpenalty 4000}
% footnotes
  \leftskip 0pt
  \parindent 0pt
  \everypar{\parindent 0pt}%
  \hrule\@width \columnwidth
% lists
\def\@listi{\leftmargin \leftmargini
            \parsep 4.5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
            \topsep 4.5pt plus 1pt minus 1pt
            \itemsep 0pt}
  {\ifnum \@itemdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else
      {\ifnum\@itemdepth=\@ne\leftmargin 0pt\fi
     \leftmargin 30pt
     \labelwidth 15pt
     \labelsep 0pt
    {\leftmargin 0pt
     \labelwidth 0pt
     \labelsep 1em
     \itemindent \labelsep
% boxes (for some reason, mathdesign changes these values) % still?
% tables
  \setbox\mt@box\vbox{\llap{\vbox{% \fboxsep = 4pt
          \rightskip\dimexpr\marginparsep+4pt+\fboxrule\relax plus 2.5em
          \footnotesize {\sffamily#1:}\\[-\dimexpr\aboverulesep+\cmidrulewidth+3.5\fboxrule]
          \textcolor{theframe}{\vrule width \hsize height\fboxrule}\\[.3\baselineskip]\sffamily#2}}}
% index and change log
%dpc  Links (in blue) refer to the page where the corresponding entry is described
%dpc  (bold face) resp. occurs. Plain numbers (in black) refer to the code line
%dpc  where the corresponding entry is defined (underlined) resp. used.}
%dpc\GlossaryPrologue{\section{Change history}\label{sec:changes}\vspace*{-\multicolsep}}
%dpc %\setcounter{finalcolumnbadness}{100}
% macro code
  \textoractual{\arabic{CodelineNo}\ }{}}% don't copy line numbers
\def\PrintMacroName#1{\strut\MacroFont\string #1\hskip15pt}
% additional bells ...
\def\Describe#1#2#3{\noindent\csname Describe#1\endcsname{#2}%
  \let\@tempa\@empty \let\Option@default\@empty
    \csname Special#1Value\expandafter\endcsname\@tempb\@nil
      \expandafter{\csname #1Sep\endcsname}%
  \if#1:\def\@tempb{\Variable{#2}}\else %                      : = variable
  \if#1!\def\@tempb{#2}\def\Option@default{#2}\else %          ! = default
  \if#1*\def\@tempb{#2}\def\Option@default{\MaybeDefault{#2}}% * = default (maybe)
  \if#1?\def\@tempb{\normalsize[\Variable{#2}]}%  % ? = optional
\DeclareRobustCommand\langlechar{<} % for makeindex
\let\m@a\meta \def\meta#1{\textoractual{\m@a{#1}}{\langlechar#1\ranglechar}}
\def\OptionSep{{\rmfamily, }} \def\MacroSep{\,} \def\EnvironmentSep{\,}
\def\PrintValues[#1]{{\MacroFont\expandafter\@gobble\@tempa\hfill #1}\\*[.25\baselineskip]}
\def\CatIndex#1#2{\index{#1\actualchar{\protect\ttfamily #1} (#2)\encapchar hyperpage}}
  \index{\quotechar!Options % the `!' will be sorted first
    \actualchar{\protect\bfseries Options:}%
    \levelchar{\protect\ttfamily#1}\encapchar usage}\@esphack}
\def\SpecialUsageIndex#1{\@bsphack{\index{\quotechar!User Commands
    \actualchar{\protect\bfseries User Commands:}%
      \quotechar*\verbatimchar\string#1\verbatimchar\encapchar usage}%
   \let\special@index\index\SpecialIndex@{#1}{\encapchar usage}}\@esphack}
\def\PrintDescribeMacro#1{\strut\MacroFont\color{thegreen}\string #1}
\def\PrintDescribeEnv#1{\strut\MacroFont\bslash begin\{{\color{thegreen}#1}\}%
  \\*[.25\baselineskip]\strut\bslash end\{{\color{thegreen}#1}\}}
\def\GeneralChanges#1{\edef\generalname{\if*#1 General\else#1\fi}}% mind the space!
\def\RequiresSep{ \textbar\ }
% ... and whistles
   {\catcode`\"\active \def"##1"{\colorbox{theshade}{%
      \textrm{Text lost! Please install the \pkg{listings} package.}}}%
     spacing,letterspace,babel,context,%defersetup,copyfonts, % undocumented
     no ligatures,outer spacing,outer kerning}, % there are three \nobreakspace in this line
 \ifpdf \IfFileExists{dummy-space.pfb}{%
   \pdfmapline{+dummy-space <dummy-space.pfb}
   \def\lst@outputspace{% copy spaces (from a font that really has a space at x20)
     \setbox0\hbox{ }\@tempdima\wd0
     \unhbox0 \kern\@tempdima}
  }\relax \fi
%\def\todo{\changes{zTo Do}{0000/00/00}}
% fancy PDF document
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    \ifx\pdfcolorstack\@undefined   % no longer required with pdftex 1.40
    pdftitle={The microtype package},
    pdfauthor={R Schlicht <[email protected]>},
    pdfsubject={Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection},
    pdfkeywords={TeX, LaTeX, pdfTeX, LuaTeX, XeTeX, typography, micro-typography,
      character protrusion, margin kerning, optical alignment, font expansion,
      font scaling, hz, kerning, spacing, glue, letterspacing, tracking, ligatures}
    pdfcopyright={\textcopyright\ 2004--2013 R Schlicht\012%
      This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
      of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
      license or (at your option) any later version.\&\#xA;%
      This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.},
  \ifnum\pdftexversion < 130 \else
  \def\usage#1{\textbf{\hyperpage{#1}}}% for indexing of \DescribeMacro ...
  \def\changes@#1#2#3{% ... the changes ...
      \ifx\saved@macroname\@empty \space\actualchar\generalname
      :\levelchar #3\encapchar hyperpage}}%
  %\def\theCodelineNo{% % ... and everything else (would double the pdf file size)
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  %  \@tempcnta\arabic{CodelineNo}\advance\@tempcnta by\@ne
  %  \hypertarget{L:\number\@tempcnta}{\arabic{CodelineNo}}}
  %    \string#1\actualchar
  %    \string\verb\quotechar*\verbatimchar\string#1\verbatimchar
  %    \encapchar codeline}%
  %  \@esphack}
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  \def\mailtoRS{\href % some PDF viewers don't like spaces:
    {mailto:<[email protected]>\%20Robert\%20Schlicht?subject=[microtype\%20\fileversion]}
    {\texttt{[email protected]}}}
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        After you have read the text on the right, you can view the effect of
        the features it describes by clicking on the links:\strut\\
        Both features are enabled throughout this document.}
      \mt@show@sample{true} {false}
        % for compatibility with older PDF viewers that don't support OCGs, we
        % add a layer that contains a white box, which will hide the underlying
        % layers for older viewers, and will be ignored by PDF 1.5 capable viewers.
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          micro-typographic features by clicking on the links.\strut
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  \hyphenation{let-ter-spac-ing let-ter-spaced let-ter-space}
\hyphenation{An-dre-as Ber-nard Ha-rald Mi-cha-el Pe-ter Ste-phan Wolf-ram
             Har-ders Hop-pe Jac-kow-ski Ku-char-czyk Mei-er Mu-the-si-us Zed-ler
             Sveinung % ?
             Marcin % ?
% abbreviations
\DeclareRobustCommand\thanh{H\`an Th\^e%
     \ifx\eTeXversion\undefined \llap{\raisebox{0.5ex}{\'{}}}
     \else \llap{\raisebox{0.45ex}{\'{}\kern\dimexpr.05em-2\fontdimen1\font\relax}}
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\def\nonetex{\mbox{\rlap{\kern.05em/}e-\TeX}} % aka. \TeX
\def\@reflect#1{\ifdim\fontdimen1\font=0pt \reflectbox{#1}%
  \else \rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{#1}\fi}
\DeclareRobustCommand\xetex{% also reflect the initial `X'?
\def\microtype{{\PackageFont microtype}}
  \advance\@tempcnta-7  \ifcase\@tempcnta\tiny\or\scriptsize\or
   \def\contributor#1 <#2\at#3>{\@contributor{#1}{#2@#3}}

\title{Just a test}


some text

  • Thank you. I had trouble realizing that the whole thing was the preamble. Thanks a lot.
    – nomad
    Aug 31, 2015 at 11:54

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