I use polyglossia package and when I try to enumerate in this way ( 6a,6b,6c,,, ) it changes to arabic alphabet. how can I write it in the way I want it (6a,6b,6c).

\newcommand{\subscript}[2]{$#1 _ #2$}
\item خوایه‌ وه‌ته‌ن    
\item  چه‌ند دڵگیر و شیرینه‌


Remark:- I found this answer to my question, but now if I write kurdish language after \item it will not shown, only Latin text will be appear which is again a problem.

1 Answer 1


To recover the definition of \@alph you can add



\newcommand{\subscript}[2]{$#1 _ #2$}


\item خوایه‌ وه‌ته‌ن    
\item  چه‌ند دڵگیر و شیرینه‌


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