I have a 50x300 binary marix, which I want to display as a colored grid. I tried the approaches of drawing a large binary matrix as colored grid which I like, but
- the approach using pgfplots table is too large, resizebox results in an out of memory error and I couldn't find an appropriate solution to adjust the cell size of the table in pgfplotsset. setting the fontsize as tinz as possible did not suffice, and
- the tikz-matrix approach results in a compile timeout.
I have really no idea what to do now.. Increasing the memory assignment seems too hacky for me, isn't there a more elegant option? I also would like to stick to the pgfplots approach..
\drawgrid[one color=black,zero color=white,cell wd=2pt,cell ht=2pt]{\matrixfile}
; however, it takes quite some time and a lot of space, of course. The thing is, that you can not have a huge chunk of data and think it will not take up space ;-) What are you trying to do exactly?