With the xcolor package one can define colors in many ways for example, using standard names,


Merging colors



Or from the RGB or CYMK values


Is it possible to combine inline the RGB and merging approaches? For example

\colorbox[rgb]{0.1,0.2,0.3 ! 25}{...} %invalid code

\colorbox{\color[rgb]{0.70,0.05,0.65}!25}{...} %also invalid

To make a given RGB color lighter. The context is that for a given element I know the RGB value but I want to make it lighter by merging with white.


\colorbox[rgb]{0.70,0.05,0.65}{A} % this turns to be dark violet, how to get something like {violet!25}

3 Answers 3


Sure you can do it. The xcolor package offers a very sofisticated extended syntax for mixing colors (refer to pages 14-16 of the xcolor documentation for details):

\colorbox{rgb:red,0.70;green,0.05;blue,0.65}{A} % this turns to be dark violet, how to 



enter image description here

Some more "in-line" shades:


\colorbox{rgb:red,0.70;green,0.05;blue,0.65}{A}\quad % this turns to be dark violet, how to 
\foreach \Valor in {90,80,...,10}

enter image description here

In fact, you can produce many variations using this method and, more complexes mixes or, for example, the complement operator -. A little example showing "in-line" variations of your initial color:

\colorbox{rgb:red,0.70;green,0.05;blue,0.65}{A} % this turns to be dark violet, how to 







enter image description here

  • This answers the question perfectly. Do you know what is the logic behind the rgb: if after that one can put any color names?
    – alfC
    Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 0:13
  • 1
    @alfC rgb selects the color model; the color represented by red for example depends on the chosen model. Compare these two (the only difference is the model): \colorbox{rgb:red,0.70;green,0.05;blue,0.65}{A} \colorbox{cmyk:red,0.70;green,0.05;blue,0.65}{A} Commented Sep 2, 2015 at 0:36

Typically this is done by defining the colour first, after which you can shade (or merge it):

enter image description here

\colorbox[rgb]{0.70,0.05,0.65}{A} % this turns to be dark violet, how to get something like {violet!25}


  • It is most likely possible to define colours based on what you supply. However, then one would have to compete with the syntax of merged/mixed colours: colour1!<num>!colour2!<num>!colour3!<num>!colour4!...
    – Werner
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 22:14
  • So, no chance to have it inline? I have to color many elements with unique colors and it seems a waste to define a color that will be used only once.
    – alfC
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 22:20
  • I never was able to "merge" more than two colors, for example red!70!green!5!blue!65 produces a mostly pure blue. Otherwise you are right, I could add something at the end, like !white.
    – alfC
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 22:25
  • @alfC: You can use \definecolor even on an existing colour. So, you don't have to create a new colour each time. Create the colours for the display and re-use the name.
    – Werner
    Commented Sep 1, 2015 at 22:35

You could define a wrapper command e.g. \rgbbox[<optional proportion>]{<rgb specification>}{<contents>}. For example:

\colorbox[rgb]{0.70,0.05,0.65}{A} % this turns to be dark violet, how to get something like {violet!25}





Note that if the optional argument is not specified, you get no mixing i.e. 100% of the colour given in the first mandatory argument.

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