There should be no need to edit a .bib
file manually to have the desired number of authors before 'et al.' in either the citations or the bibliography/reference list.
The number of authors listed in citations and the bibliography is managed by the bibliography style. For example, using the APA style (which requires up to the first six authors before 'et al.' for book references in the bibliography):
Found in \cite{abk}.
author = "A. Man and A. Woman and Second Man and Third Man and Fourth Man and Second Woman and Third Woman and Fourth Woman and Fifth Man",
title = "This book",
publisher = "Men \& Women",
year = 2025,
output (not formatted, just the text from the .pdf
Found in (Man et al., 2025).
Man, A., Woman, A., Man, S., Man, T., Man, F., Woman, S., et al.
This book. Men & Women.
You would need to identify an appropriate style, usually provided by the publisher if they accept contributions produced using (Any)TeX or from the pre-configured styles available, or you could produce your own if the requirement is sufficiently important. If you want suggestions for possible styles it would help if you said which style you are currently using and the changes you want to achieve.
To give an example of a different style using the same sample.bib
file but with the bibliography style changed:
Found in \cite{abk}.
This style produces (again, just the text from the .pdf
Found in [MWM+ 25].
[MWM+ 25] A. Man, A. Woman, Second Man, Third Man, Fourth Man, Second
Woman, Third Woman, Fourth Woman, and Fifth Man. This book. Men &
Women, 2025.
This does not truncate the number of authors in the bibliography at all (unlike the first example using the APA style).
, or to use a different style. And alsonatbib
doesn't seem to be appropriate.unsrt
style without moving tobiblatex
"? which is more specific and not covered by the other questions. Is that correct?