As the title says, I want to make a vertical colorbar showing the Kelvin temperature on a logarithmic scale, with the regular ticks on the right side, and some custom ticks on the left (i.e. absolute 0 at the bottom, melting point of ice at 273).
I've got the basic colorbar working, but the ticks are going from 1 to -1 instead of 10^9 to -10^9. I also don't know how to add custom ticks to the other side.
\begin{axis}[scale only axis, hide axis, height=0em, width=0em, colormap/jet,
colorbar horizontal, point meta min=-1000000000, point meta max=1000000000,
colorbar style={width=.8\textheight, rotate=90, % xtick={1000000000,100000000,...,-1000000000}, % This gives me 'Dimesion too large' errors
\addplot [draw=none] coordinates {(0,0)};