I tried to remove the white space between the last row and the top/bottomrule and I already found some solutions but I couldn't get them work:

Table Row Color Covers Text

Combining \rowcolor and \cmidrule

The only way I could get that working was by the following example because the direct application of the above linked code resulted in an missing noalign:

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}

A & B & C \\
A & B & C \\
A & B & C \\
A & B & C \\
A & B & C\\

On the downside that duplicates the distance of the caption and looks really disgusting so that I cannot consider this as solution.


2 Answers 2


Like that? With longtable, the caption must be written inside the table. Btw, traditionally, table captions are placed above the table (while figure captions are plced below the figure).

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{article}


  A & B & C \\
  A & B & C \\
  A & B & C \\
  A & B & C \\
  A & B & C \vspace{-\aboverulesep}


enter image description here

  • I want to avoid the white space between the last line and the black end rule, so that is not a solution
    – flp
    Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 1:55
  • That is a problem between booktabs and colortbl, due to the padding booktabs adds to the rules. That is why I proposed a solution with cellspace, which consists more or less in emulating what booktabs does without this drawback.
    – Bernard
    Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 2:01
  • Finally, I've a work-around: addind a suitable negative \space at the end of the last row. See my modified answer if it's OK now.
    – Bernard
    Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 2:07
  • Hm, many solutions work for my simple example, but they do not apply to my real table because also with your solution I always get a Misplaced \noalign. \caption error. Therefore I included my real table, because I assume I located the error in the wrong place
    – flp
    Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 11:50
  • Seems to be a big problem with my latex file because even my real sample could be simply fixed. Therefore, I really located the error wrongly
    – flp
    Commented Sep 13, 2015 at 11:56

The underlying problem was totally wrong located by me. The Misplaced \noalign. \caption error was caused by the included \usepackage{arydshln} which I never used anymore so I didn't assume the error to be caused there. Otherwise, both my initial solution as well as @Bernard's solution work fine.

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