I'm trying to use cycle list name = MyCyclelist in order to give my graphs all the same color/style scheme. However all lines are shown in black. I hope, somebody can help. Many thanks!

I've defined the cycle list in my header like this:

{darkgray, mark = none, thick},
{Green, mark = none, thick},
{MidnightBlue, mark = none, thick},
{Mahogany, mark = none, thick},
{RedOrange, mark = none, thick},
{RoyalPurple, mark = none, thick},

My pgfplot file is pretty standard:


axis on top,
xlabel = abc,
ylabel = def,
ymin = 0,
legend style = {nodes=left, font =\footnotesize},
legend pos = north east,
cycle list name=MyCyclelist
\pgfplotstableread{pictures/data.txt} \datatable
\addplot[legend image post style={sharp plot, line width=1pt, mark=none}, thick] table[x index = 0 , y index = 1 ] from \datatable;
\addplot[legend image post style={sharp plot, line width=1pt, mark=none}, thick] table[x index = 0 , y index = 3 ] from \datatable;


data.txt looks like this:

0   6.21E-11    5.40E-11    8.73E-11
1   6.04E-11    4.86E-11    8.49E-11
2   5.16E-11    5.54E-11    7.30E-11
3   6.46E-11    4.63E-11    8.12E-11
  • 3
    If there is an optional argument for the \addplot command the cycle list is not used for the plot. To change this behavior insert a + between \addplot and the optional argument: \addplot+[...]...;.
    – esdd
    Commented Sep 17, 2015 at 14:01
  • 1
    @esdd You should turn that into an answer!
    – darthbith
    Commented Sep 19, 2015 at 18:25

1 Answer 1


If there is no optional argument for the \addplot command a cycle list is used. This could be the default cycle list or an own list.

If there is an optional argument \addplot[<options>] the settings of the cycle list are ignored.

If you want to use both the cycle list and the optional argument you have to insert a + between the command and the optional argument: \addplot+[<options>]. In that case the options of the cycle list are set first and the options inside the optional argument are appended.

0   6.21E-11    5.40E-11    8.73E-11
1   6.04E-11    4.86E-11    8.49E-11
2   5.16E-11    5.54E-11    7.30E-11
3   6.46E-11    4.63E-11    8.12E-11


  {darkgray, mark = none, thick},
  {Green, mark = none, thick},
  {MidnightBlue, mark = none, thick},
  {Mahogany, mark = none, thick},
  {RedOrange, mark = none, thick},
  {RoyalPurple, mark = none, thick},
    axis on top,
    xlabel = abc,
    ylabel = def,
    ymin = 0,
    legend style = {nodes=left, font =\footnotesize},
    legend pos = north east,
    cycle list name=MyCyclelist
  \pgfplotstableread{data.txt} \datatable
  \addplot+[legend image post style={line width=1pt}] table[x index = 0 , y index = 1 ] from \datatable;
  \addplot+[legend image post style={line width=1pt}] table[x index = 0 , y index = 3 ] from \datatable;

enter image description here

Note: If all legend images should have the same line width you can set legend image post style={line width=1pt} as an option for the axis environment. Then you can simple use \addplot table ...


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