I am editing a presentation of a research project, I am wondering if there is a field for "supervisor" on the page of the title, for instance \supervisor
(which actually does not work)... If not, where do people conventionally add it?
4 Answers
As already mentioned by Marco Daniel, a field \supervisor
does not exist in beamer
. However, I would like to follow a different approach.
mregine on latex-community mentioned that you can just include the supervisors in the \author
command which also lets you associate the affiliations to the supervisors. To make only your name appear in the footline, use the optional argument of the \author
command. Thus, I would suggest a command like the following:
\author[author1]{author1\inst{1}\\[1ex] {\small supervisor1\inst{1,2}}
I hope this is close to what you want.
This worked for me:
\author[author1]{author1\\[10mm]{\small Supervisors: supervisor1 \\ \hspace{18mm} supervisor2}}
After substituting the names, you have to find the XXmm yourself by trial and error.
1Welcome to TeX.SX! Quite similar to the other answer ;) Commented Mar 14, 2018 at 19:10
Thanks! Indeed, it is a lot alike. I think there is a missing curly bracket at the end of the previous answer by @tc88 Commented Mar 15, 2018 at 20:06
A field like \supervisor
doesn't exist in beamer
. If you want to insert additional field to the titlepage you can create your own titlepage.
In other way is to use the optional argument of \author
and co.
\author[<used as label>]{<used on titelpage>}
I think this might work:
\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number]
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\title{Thermal Hydraulics}
\author{{John Williams} & {Johanna Williams} \\
{\and} \\
{\textit{Supervisors}} \\
{Jack Williams} \\ {Jackie Smith}}
\institute{LaTeX University}
I compiled the code on Overleaf and it gave this:
You may also put the authors on separate lines, replacing the \author
command with:
\author{{John Williams} \\ {Johanna Williams} \\
{\and} \\
{\textit{Supervisors}} \\
{Jack Williams} \\ {Jackie Smith}}