I am using biblatex
for my references, and I found the chem-angew
style which I appreciate very much.
I found out how to add an hypertext link under the journal title, and it works fine.
But there is one slight problem: I do not know how to remove the extra space caused by the hypertext link (if I remove the hyperlink, the extra space disappears).
Note that if the link is followed by a comma, there is no problem... But in the chem-angew
style, there is no comma between the journal title and the year. And I want the hypertext link to be under the journal title.
Does anyone know what to do?
Do I have to define completely my own biblatex
Here is my code:
\hypersetup{urlcolor=black, colorlinks=true}
%*************Hyperlink on title****************
I really wonder why there is an extra space in the bibliography \cite{Bocquet2010}!
I wish I could erase it \cite{Nicholls2012}.
However, it depends on what type of document you cite \cite{Palacci2010}.
And here is the .bib
author = {Bocquet, Lyd\'{e}ric and Charlaix, Elisabeth},
doi = {10.1039/B909366B},
journal = {Chemical Society Reviews},
number = {3},
pages = {1073--1095},
title = {{Nanofluidics, from bulk to interfaces.}},
url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20179826},
volume = {39},
year = {2010}
author = {Nicholls, William D. and Borg, Matthew K. and Lockerby, Duncan A. and Reese, Jason M.},
doi = {10.1007/s10404-011-0869-3},
journal = {Microfluidics and Nanofluidics},
number = {1-4},
pages = {257--264},
title = {{Water transport through (7,7) carbon nanotubes of different lengths using molecular dynamics}},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10404-011-0869-3},
volume = {12},
year = {2012}
author = {Palacci, J\'{e}r\'{e}mie},
organization = {Universit\'{e} Claude-Bernard},
title = {{Manipulation of colloids by osmotic forces}},
url = {https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00597477/fr/},
type = {phdthesis},
urldate = {09-22-2015},
location = {Lyon, France},
year = {2010}
And finally here is what I get with this code:
Thanks a lot to whom may take some time to answer.