Instead of writting very long lines to create complex equations it would be great to use variables to substitute smaller chunks...
A simple example:
\frac{ \sqrt{ \mu(i)^{ \frac{3}{2}} (i^{2} -1) } }
{ \sqrt[3]{\rho(i) - 2} + \sqrt[3]{\rho(i) - 1} }
It would be done something like this:
A = \sqrt{ \mu(i)^{ \frac{3}{2}} (i^{2} -1) }
B = \sqrt[3]{\rho(i) - 2}
C = \sqrt[3]{\rho(i) - 1}
\frac{ A } { B + C }
And the result would be the same but the code easier to read with more complex examples.
How can I define easily these substitutions or parameters? or using any specialized package?
PD: there are other questions at Tex.StackExchange asking how to split an equation in several lines, but this is not the same.