Here is my situation: I am using \tikzmarkin to highlight relevant rows of a results table in my Beamer slide deck. I want to put annotations to the right of the row highlight, so that hypothesis tested in each row is labelled (H1, H2, H3 and so on...).

I used the solution here to highlight relevant rows: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/132818/88794

What I want is to put a small text box next to each highlighted area. I tried tikzpicture but it aligns at the top of the text box (as seen in bH2)

Below is my beamer page.


% for themes, etc.

%\usepackage{times}  % fonts are up to you
% The usual suspects
\usepackage{multirow, booktabs, dcolumn, color} % Tables
% The table highlighting for hypothesis discussion.

% To set the hypothesis highlighting boxes red.
    set fill color=red!80!black!40,
    set border color=red!80!black,


\frametitle{Preliminary Results}


\begin{tabular}{l D{)}{)}{14)3}@{} D{)}{)}{13)3}@{} D{)}{)}{13)3}@{} }
            & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 1} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 2} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 3} \\

~Control           & 0.392 \; (0.021)^{***}   & 0.198 \; (0.022)^{***}  & 0.198 \; (0.022)^{***}  \\
\tikzmarkin<3>[hl]{bH2}DevOwn           & 0.064 \; (0.003)^{***}   &                         &                         \\
~Frat            &                          & 0.051 \; (0.001)^{***}  &                         \\
~Serot           &                          &                         & 0.051 \; (0.001)^{***}  \tikzmarkend{bH2}\\
\tikzmarkin<2>[hl]{bH1}Frat x Serot     & -22.018 \; (1.474)^{***} & -8.747 \; (1.535)^{***} & -8.750 \; (1.535)^{***} \tikzmarkend{bH1} \\
AIC              & 171986.112               & 140758.027              & 140762.308              \\
Num. events      & 11821                    & 11821                   & 11821                   \\
Num. obs.        & 601960                   & 601960                  & 601960                  \\

\multicolumn{4}{l}{\scriptsize{$^{***}p<0.001$, $^{**}p<0.01$, $^*p<0.05$}}


% Place the hypothesis number next to the highlighted area
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node[align=left, left] at ({pic cs:bH1}) {\small{H1}};


  • Your code, after suitable completion, has errors; please fix them and complete your snippet into a complete document. Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 19:44

1 Answer 1


You can take advantage of the fact that \node (and all path commands in TikZ) are overlay aware; using xshift=<length>, yshift=<length>, or shift={(<point>)} you can adjust the position for the labels:


% for themes, etc.

%\usepackage{times}  % fonts are up to you
% The usual suspects
\usepackage{multirow, booktabs, dcolumn, color} % Tables
% The table highlighting for hypothesis discussion.

% To set the hypothesis highlighting boxes red.
    set fill color=red!80!black!40,
    set border color=red!80!black,


\frametitle{Preliminary Results}

\begin{tabular}{l D{)}{)}{14)3}@{} D{)}{)}{13)3}@{} D{)}{)}{13)3}@{} }
            & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 1} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 2} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Model 3} \\

~Control           & 0.392 \; (0.021)^{***}   & 0.198 \; (0.022)^{***}  & 0.198 \; (0.022)^{***}  \\
\tikzmarkin<3>[hl]{bH2}DevOwn           & 0.064 \; (0.003)^{***}   &                         &                         \\
~Frat            &                          & 0.051 \; (0.001)^{***}  &                         \\
~Serot           &                          &                         & 0.051 \; (0.001)^{***}  \tikzmarkend{bH2}\\
\tikzmarkin<2>[hl]{bH1}Frat x Serot     & -22.018 \; (1.474)^{***} & -8.747 \; (1.535)^{***} & -8.750 \; (1.535)^{***} \tikzmarkend{bH1} \\
AIC              & 171986.112               & 140758.027              & 140762.308              \\
Num. events      & 11821                    & 11821                   & 11821                   \\
Num. obs.        & 601960                   & 601960                  & 601960                  \\

\multicolumn{4}{l}{\scriptsize{$^{***}p<0.001$, $^{**}p<0.01$, $^*p<0.05$}}

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node<2>[left,font=\small] at ([yshift=0.5ex]{pic cs:bH1}) {H1};
\node<3>[left,font=\small] at ([yshift=3ex]{pic cs:bH2}) {H2};



An animation of the result (I commented out some spurious spaces in your code and reduced a tad the table width to accommodate the annotations):

enter image description here

  • Thank you. I realized I placed the \tikzpictures out of the resize box and centering environment in my original code, so the problem was resolved. Your answer actually allowed me to make results look prettier. Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 20:39

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