I want to implement a function name color highlighting and I use the listings
package. My 'regex' for this is def %s(
where def
(including space) is the first delimiter %s
is the function name and (
is the second delimtier. Now my aim is to color only %s
in purple.
So basically I want to only touch the part between the delimiters and the delimiters should stay untouched.
Here is what I tried so far:
\setmonofont{Courier New}
%moredelim = [is][\color{blue}\bfseries def \mdseries\color{purple}]{def\ }{(},
moredelim = [s][\color{purple}]{def\ }{(},
def fancy_function_name(page_url = 'tex.stackexchange.com'):
return page_url.split('.')[0]
You can see that it matches the right place but is too greedy and colors the delimiters too.
So I thought about the uncommented line:
%moredelim = [is][\color{blue}\bfseries def \mdseries\color{purple}]{def\ }{(},
If I use this one and uncomment the line below I get this result:
It's nearly what I wan't but I cannot add the last, now missing (
in black color.
Does anyone has a solution for this without pretouching the code and add all the @@