I know there are a couple of questions with answers to this but none of them seems to work for me so I ask here. Some basic facts:
I have
1. Mac OSX
2. Very limited knowledge in Terminal (so things like --shell escape
mean zero to me)
3. TeXShop
4. Mathematica 9
I would like to plot with Mathematica but use LaTeX on the plot with the same font as in the main TeX-file. I've heard some about PStools, PSfrag and so on but don't know how to install them or apply them. It would be nice with a simple line of code to do everything but with very little Terminal/command line.
EXAMPLE: As suggested in threads elsewhere I do this in Mathematica 9
plot = Plot[Sin[Exp[x]], {x, -Pi, Pi}, AxesLabel -> {"e", "s"}]
Export[NotebookDirectory[] <> "plot.eps", plot]
And then I make a new LaTeX document with the following code
The file plot.eps is the one I exported from Mathematica 9. The result is unfortunately not good because there's only "e" and "s" instead of $\epsilon$ and $\Sigma$ see figure!
without any problems (and no terminal)