I would like to be able to detect if the standalone
package was used with [preview=false]
or [preview=true]
. Not too concerned if this setting was a default or user defined.
Based on How can one undefine an already processed class option?, the macro @classoptionslist
is supposed to be a comma separated list of options passed to the class. I attempted to detect if this macro had the string preview=true
in it, but this does not yield the correct results. The following always prints Package Option: [preview=false]
\documentclass[preview=true]{standalone}% Does not work
%\documentclass[preview=false]{standalone}% works
Package Option: [preview=\DetectPreviewOption].
\newcommand*{\DetectPreviewOption}{% \ifsa@preview\relax true\else false\fi% }%
isn't the right one?@classoptionslist
in the 7th line of your example, that should then be:\IfSubStr{\@classoptionslist}{preview=true}{true}{false}%