I have a very long equation which barely fits into one line, but the label does not and is positioned one line below. The problem is that if the equation is at the end of a page, the label is moved to the next page.
If possible, I would like to keep the equation as is (no splitting up into two lines, no decreasing the font size), but label should always be directly below the equation.
Edit to provide further information:
Trying to construct a MWE, I think I found the cause, but still no way around. The problem occurs when using the Springer svjour3
class (http://www.springeropen.com/authors/tex) in conjunction with the amsmath
package. Not loading amsmath
puts the label into the same line.
Unfortunately, this seems not to be an option as I need for example \DeclareMathOperator
, besides amsmath
is loaded by tikz
\title{Insert your title here}
\author{First Author}
\section{Section title}
Some text. Some text. Some text. Some text. Some text. Some text.
and suitable vspace before the equation. The label is in the second column.