I am trying to create a new document environment to complete the assembly of a table (simplified for MWE) but I am having a problem combining an expandable environment with an optional only argument.
The error I generate is xparse/expandable-ending-optional
Argument specification for expandable command ends with optional argument.
\usepackage{environ,longtable,threeparttablex,booktabs,multirow,array,adjustbox,supertabular}% table adjustment packages
% change spacing/padding of long table: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/5683/how-to-remove-top-and-bottom-whitespace-of-longtable
% Wrapping text in multicolumn: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/115668/wrapping-text-in-multicolumn
%\raisebox{\normalbaselineskip-\height}{#6} & \multicolumn{2}{L{11cm}}{#7}
% changed m to p instead
%--------------------New Commands for consistent formatting ---------------
% this one can't be a held in a local variable because the table paramaters are external
\DeclareDocumentCommand{\TableAssembly}{ m m }{%
#1 & #2 \\%
\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\BuildTablePortion}{ O{R{2.5cm} | L{12.25cm}}}%
\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\endBuildTablePortion}{ o }
\begin{BuildTablePortion}[R{2.5cm} | L{12.25cm}]
when you eventually do\begin{BuildTablePortion}
? It makes no sense. What should an “expandable environment” be?\ExplSyntaxOn
? You don't seem to use that syntax at all. For an explanation of the error see page 10 ofxparse
's manual: if you have any arguments, the last one must be of typem
. That is, if you did need expandability, you couldn't use this argument specification.