I'm using the "Modern Beamer Theme", by Matthias Vogelgesang for a presentation. Trying to shift the footnotes to the right side of the slide. I'd like for the footnotes to read left to right as usual, but anchored to the right side of the page, so the last word "1999" is the same distance from the right edge of the slide as the word "Weiss" currently is now.
Here's a MWE:
\documentclass[10pt, compress]{beamer}
\kern -3pt
\hrule width \textwidth height 0pt
\kern 3pt
\title{Here's a title}
\author{An Author}
\institute{University of Latex}
Here is some text.
\let\thefootnote\relax\footnote{Weiss 2010, Vogelgesang 2015, Smith 1999}