I want to change the font size of the following forest decision tree to \footnotesize. When I add font=\footnotesize to for tree, it only the size of the "Name"s get changed, but not the edge labels ("H" and "T"). If I fiddle with the decision edge label/.style by adding \footnotesize in it, an error would occur:

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=5000].
\@setfontsize #1#2#3->\@nomath #1
\ifx \protect \@typeset@protect \let \@curr...
l.53 \end{forest}


\forestset{declare toks={elo}{}} % edge label options
  anchors/.style={anchor=#1,child anchor=#1,parent anchor=#1},
  for tree={font=\footnotesize,
    s sep=5mm,l=15mm,
    if n children=0{anchors=north}{
    if n=1{anchors=south east}{anchors=south west}},
    content format={$\forestoption{content}$}
  anchors=south, outer sep=2pt,
  nomath/.style={content format=\forestoption{content}},
  dot/.style={tikz+={\draw[#1](.child anchor)circle[radius=2pt];}},
  dot={fill={white}},for descendants={dot={fill}}, % initial node hollow, rest solid
  decision edge label/.style n args=3{
    edge label/.expanded={node[midway,auto=#1,anchor=#2,\forestoption{elo}]{\strut$#3$}}
  decision/.style={if n=1
    {decision edge label={left}{east}{#1}}
    {decision edge label={right}{west}{#1}}
  delay={for descendants={
    decision/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\getsecond#1\endget}{content},
    content/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\getfirst#1\endget}{content},


enter image description here

  • Easiest: {\footnotesize\begin{forest}...\end{forest}}.
    – cfr
    Commented Nov 14, 2015 at 2:27

1 Answer 1


The easiest way to set the entire tree this way is to simply put \footnotesize in a group with the tree. For example:


Alternatively, you can set the font for every node in the tree's preamble using

 /tikz/every node/.append style={font=\footnotesize},

smaller nodes

\forestset{declare toks={elo}{}} % edge label options
  anchors/.style={anchor=#1,child anchor=#1,parent anchor=#1},
  /tikz/every node/.append style={font=\footnotesize},
  for tree={
    s sep=5mm,l=15mm,
    if n children=0{anchors=north}{
    if n=1{anchors=south east}{anchors=south west}},
    content format={$\forestoption{content}$},
  anchors=south, outer sep=2pt,
  nomath/.style={content format=\forestoption{content}},
  dot/.style={tikz+={\draw[#1](.child anchor)circle[radius=2pt];}},
  dot={fill={white}},for descendants={dot={fill}}, % initial node hollow, rest solid
  decision edge label/.style n args=3{
    edge label/.expanded={node[midway,auto=#1,anchor=#2,\forestoption{elo}]{\strut$#3$}}
  decision/.style={if n=1
    {decision edge label={left}{east}{#1}}
    {decision edge label={right}{west}{#1}}
  delay={for descendants={
    decision/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\getsecond#1\endget}{content},
    content/.expanded/.wrap pgfmath arg={\getfirst#1\endget}{content},
  • How would you change only font size of labels of the edges while leaving the nodes of the tree unchanged? Commented May 10, 2016 at 2:29
  • @FiboKowalsky Just edit edge label/.expanded={node[midway,auto=#1,anchor=#2,\forestoption{elo}] ... to add the relevant font change.
    – cfr
    Commented May 10, 2016 at 2:45
  • 1
    @FiboKowalsky For example, edge label/.expanded={node[midway,auto=#1,anchor=#2,font=\scriptsize,\forestoption{elo}] ... would make them all \scriptsize.
    – cfr
    Commented May 10, 2016 at 23:38
  • What initially I meant was solution in this fashion (the example dosen't work): /tikz/every edge label/.append style={font=\Large}, Commented May 12, 2016 at 1:35
  • 1
    @FiboKowalsky Which example doesn't work? Why don't you ask a new question since your question is not the one I answered here and it is hard to answer another question in comments.
    – cfr
    Commented May 12, 2016 at 1:42

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