How can I change the footnote symbol (currently the number "1") to an asterisk (*) in a minipage?

The LaTeX code which I'm using for the minipage (inside the document):

\begin{flushright} \large
\emph{Supervisor:} \\
{}{\supname}\footnotemark \linebreak
\footnotetext{Footnote text here}

2 Answers 2


Using Werner's code as a model, here's how you can restore the normal footnotes after the fact, by using a group.

\usepackage[paperheight=20\baselineskip]{geometry}% Just for this example



  Supervisor name\makebox[0pt][l]{\footnotemark}
\footnotetext{Footnote text here}\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}


Text again\footnote{Whatever}


enter image description here

I put the footnote mark in a zero width box, so it will stick outside, which is usually what's wanted in these cases.


If you're not using numbered footnotes elsewhere in your document, add


to your preamble. This will start footnotes being "numbered" with an asterisk:

enter image description here

\usepackage[paperheight=20\baselineskip]{geometry}% Just for this example



  Supervisor name\footnotemark

\footnotetext{Footnote text here}


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