I tried the basic approach for this table in latex, but I don't like the result, because I don't know how I can avoid every line or border with array*. I just wondering if you know a better way to plot this table, may be with colors for those shadow parts. My worst problem is that in every cell, I have two rows, the next problems are the headers (two first rows and two columns)

enter image description here

My code:

\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l|l} \hline
 & &0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8 \\ \hline
 & & &1&0&0&1&0&1&0&1 \\ \hline
0& &0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0&0 \\ \hline
1&0&0&0 Sup&1 Diag&1 Diag&1 Izq&1 Diag&1 Izq&1 Diag&1 Izq \\ \hline
2&1&0&1 Diag&1 Sup&1 Sup&2 Diag&2 Izq&2 Diag&2 Izq&2 Diag \\ \hline
3&0&0&1 Sup&2 Diag&2 Diag&2 Sup&3 Diag&3 Izq&3 Diag&3 Izq \\ \hline
4&1&0&1 Diag&2 Sup&2 Sup&3 Diag&3 Sup&4 Diag&4 Izq&4 Diag \\ \hline
5&1&0&1 Diag&2 Sup&2 Sup&3 Diag&3 Sup&4 Diag&4 Sup&5 Diag \\ \hline
6&0&0&1 Sup&2 Diag&3 Diag&3 Sup&4 Diag&4 Sup&5 Diag&5 Sup \\ \hline
7&1&0&1 Diag&2 Sup&3 Sup&4 Diag&4 Sup&5 Diag&5 Sup&6 Diag \\ \hline
8&1&0&1 Diag&2 Sup&3 Sup&4 Diag&4 Sup&5 Diag&5 Sup&6 Diag \\ \hline
9&0&0&1 Sup&2 Diag&3 Diag&4 Sup&5 Diag&5 Sup&6 Diag&6 Sup \\ \hline

enter image description here

How can I do somehting like this:

enter image description here

Thanks in advance. Btw, it is a table of LCS for the dynamic programing technique.

  • 1
    Would it be possible to show us what you tried in the form of an MWE?
    – Au101
    Commented Nov 17, 2015 at 4:49
  • 1
    Yes, sure. Check the update. Commented Nov 17, 2015 at 5:30

1 Answer 1


according to chapter "5.3 Aligning the Nodes Using Matrices" in the pgfmanual I would try the TikZ matrices to reproduce something like this:


        \tikzstyle{minwidth} = [minimum width=8pt,minimum height=13pt]
        \tikzstyle{g1}=[minwidth,node distance=35pt,font=\footnotesize,text=green!80!black]
        \tikzstyle{m1c}=[matrix of nodes,nodes={rectangle,draw,font=\tiny,minimum width=8pt,minimum height=12pt,text=blue!60!black}]

        \matrix [m1c] (m1)
            0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
            0 & |(22) [draw,fill=yellow]| 0 & 0 & 0 \\
            0 & |(23) [draw,fill=yellow]| 1 & |(33) [draw,fill=yellow]| 1 & 1 \\
            0 & 1 & 1 & |(44) [draw,fill=yellow]|  2 \\
        \draw[thick,->] (33.east) -- (23.west);
        \matrix [g1,draw=none, column sep=0cm,above of=m1] (m2)
            \node {$y_j$}; & \node{B};\draw[red] (0,0) circle [radius=5pt]; & \node {D};  & \node {c};\draw[red] (0,0) circle [radius=5pt];\\
        \matrix [draw=none, node distance=10pt,above of=m2,xshift=-8pt] (m5)
            \node {j}; & \node{0}; & \node {1}; & \node{2}; & \node {3};\\

        \matrix [g1,draw=none,, column sep=0cm,left of=m1] (m3)
            \node {$x_i$}; \\  \node{A}; \\  \node {B};\draw[red] (0,0) circle [radius=5pt]; \\ \node {c};\draw[red] (0,0) circle [radius=5pt];  \\
        \matrix [draw=none, node distance=10pt,left of=m3,yshift=8pt] (m4)
            \node {i}; \\ \node {0}; \\  \node{1}; \\  \node {2}; \\ \node {3}; \\

enter image description here

  • Thank you it was a good approach. Although the arrow between the cells looks like a little bad. Anyway Good! Commented May 24, 2018 at 15:02

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