I have created a tikz plot for which I would now like to plot arrows on to show direction of flow. The current code used is:
\draw[thick, ->] (0, -3) -- (0, 3) node [black, anchor=south] {$y$};
\draw[thick, ->] (-3, 0) -- (3, 0) node [black, anchor=west] {$x$};
\draw[scale=1,domain=0.33:3,smooth,variable=\x,black, thick] plot ({\x},{1/\x});
\draw[scale=1,domain=-3:-0.33,smooth,variable=\x,black, thick] plot ({\x},{1/\x});
\draw[scale=1,domain=0.33:3,smooth,variable=\x,black, thick] plot ({\x},{-1/\x});
\draw[scale=1,domain=-3:-0.33,smooth,variable=\x,black, thick] plot ({\x},{-1/\x});
Which produces the image
Now I want to add arrows onto each line separately. I require the direction of the arrow to be given by me (in the case I would like to use this in another example. They should occur at approximately half way through the curve. An example: